Battlefield hibernation treatment puts wounded soldiers to sleep before they go into shock

  • 9 years ago
A new procedure developed by researchers at the James Cook University in Queensland, Australia can save lives by inducing hibernation state in patients with traumatic injuries. The research team has been awarded $550,000 from the U.S. Special Operations Command to bring this treatment to the battlefield.

Rapid bleeding can dramatically decrease the body’s blood pressure, impairing the heart’s ability to deliver blood to the body’s organs. The body can go into a state of shock, potentially causing irreversible brain damage or even death.

The first step of the treatment serves to maintain just enough blood pressure to prevent the patient from dying. The second step puts the patient into a state of hibernation, slowing the metabolism until the patient can receive proper care.

Studies have shown that more than 87 percent of all deaths among soldiers occur in the first 30 minutes after sustaining trauma. Roughly a quarter of these soldiers died from wounds that could have been treated if they had had more time to receive proper medical care.

The procedure can also be used in remote and rural areas to stabilise patients for aeromedical rescue, its developer said.


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