China disputed islands: New Chinese military base being built near Japanese-controlled Senkakus

  • 9 years ago
China is building a large military base on islands it controls near the disputed Senkaku Islands.

The base is being constructed in the Nanji Islands off the coast of China’s Zhejiang Province, about 300 kilometers (190 miles) northwest of the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands, which China claims and calls the Diaoyu.

Several large radar installations have already been built at high points on the main Nanji Island.

Landings strips have been paved, most likely for aircraft operating from warships or patrol vessels, Kyodo reported.

More landing strips are scheduled to be built on an island near the main island in 2015.

China’s new base is aimed at strengthening surveillance over its self-proclaimed air defense identification zone, which covers a portion of what Japan considers its own territory in the East China Sea, and enhance China’s ability to respond militarily to threats in the region.

The islands are close to the Japanese island of Okinawa, which territory is for 3/4 covered by U.S. bases.

According to Li Jie, a senior researcher from the Chinese Naval research Institute, “It’s unarguable that China would like to enhance the existing military presence there.”

Japan is also building a surveillance center on Yonaguni Island to monitor activity around the Senkakus, which are administered by Tokyo but claimed by China and Taiwan.


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