Children abused in drug trials: Merck tests cervical cancer vaccine on children

  • 9 years ago
The human papilloma virus, or HPV for short, is a virus which can cause cervical cancer in women and can be carried and transmitted by men. Cervical cancer used to be the leading cause of cancer death for women in the United States, but in recent years this number has dropped significantly due to early testing and improved treatment.

Now there will be a vaccine offered for HPV, which can be administered to children as young as nine.

Gardasil, licensed by the drug company Merck, has been approved for use in the United States and will be available in other western countries by next year if not earlier.

However, a recent scandal has revealed that Merck, among other western drug companies, have been using Indian children as human guinea pigs; targetting families who are poor, uneducated, illiterate, and desperate.

Among them is Aman Dhawan, age 16, who received the test vaccine. His family was told by doctors that it would cure and protect him from all diseases, including malaria and that the doctors would pay his family USD 16 dollars. That is potentially 20 times what many poor rural families survive off of for a day.

After receiving the injection Aman noticed that he lacked energy and was not able to run without feeling sharp pains in his stomach. He also lost his appetite and became very weak.

His family didn’t know what to do and they were not offered any aftercare and couldn’t afford to pay for tests to find out what was wrong with Aman.

Whether by design or coincidence, many of the test trial participants were poor and uneducated. Other children also suffered from weakness, headaches, late periods, dizziness, and nausea. The other thing they had in common was the fact that none of them knew they were taking part in test trials.

Dr. Jain is the Indian doctor who faces accusations that he ran drug test trials for international companies without patient consent or without fully informing the patients of the drugs they were being administered.

The children trusted their parents, who in turn trusted the doctors. Many of the parents were unable to even sign the consent forms and only marked them with a thumb print.


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