Car bomb rocks southern Philippine town killing one and injuring dozens

  • 9 years ago
The city of Zamboanga, in the southern Philippines was rocked by a car bomb Friday afternoon. The region is considered a stronghold for the Abu Sayyaf group of Islamic militants.

The vehicle was parked on the outskirts of the city in a commercial district near a disco and a bus terminal.

The blast went off, sending glass and debriseverywhere. Only one fatality was recorded, along with 52 others injured, including a policeman. The bomb exploded in a red car, according to Captain Rowena Muyuela of the military's Zamboanga-based Western Mindanao Command. Eyewitnesses said after the car exploded, the nearby vehicles were set on fire.

Authorities say the bombing is retaliation from the Abu Sayyaf, a local band of militants with ties to Al Qaeda. 57 members of the group are imprisoned in the Zamboanga city jail

The mayor of the town is seeking the help of the national government to transfer the 57 Abu Sayyaf members from the city jail to higher security facilities elsewhere in The Philippines, in order to lessen the chances of another outbreak of violence


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