Pee in your pants, poop in your pants, but stay in your seat! says Florida elementary school

  • 9 years ago
Sunset Hill Elementary School in Tarpon Springs, Florida, has made local headlines twice in the last week for denying bathroom breaks to small children, with predictable results.

When Parents complained, the school’s response was clumsy and victim blamey, as if they were entirely unfamiliar with children.

In the first incident, last week, a kindergarten girl was denied a bathroom break in music class, resulting in the little girl peeing in front of her classmates. Then the school made her wear a diaper, after the fact, which is not how diapers work.

In a masterpiece of meaningless verbiage, Principal Daphne Mills wrote a letter to parents saying:

“You may have seen a recent news story that occurred at our school ... We are reviewing the incident to understand what happened ... Please contact me if you have any questions.”

Indeed, the local ABC affiliate did have some questions, and made a dubious attempt to help the girl’s case by publishing her name and face in an article containing graphic descriptions of her pee-soaked embarrassment, thus ensuring that her family must now change their names and move to Bolivia to become llama herders.

In the second incident, a boy with intestinal issues deuced in his pants in a classroom with its own ensuite toilet! In that case, administrators flatly denied that the boy’s accident ever happened, because their flawless record keeping doesn’t show any such event.

The evidence of mistreatment is damning, yet Sunset Hill Elementary denies they’re running a sweatshop. But if that’s so, then how do they explain the macaroni art motorcycle parts and machine guns circulating in the area?


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