Atom-smashing science: The world's largest atom-smasher is now 60% more powerful

  • 9 years ago
Researchers operating the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator may be closer to discovering the secrets of our universe, because it has received a serious power upgrade in the last few months.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research or CERN, operates the Large Hadron Collider located 100 meters under the the Franco-Swiss border.

Prior to the upgrade, the particles were accelerated at up to 8 trillion electron volts, producing the conditions that triggered the Higgs-Boson discovery in 2013.

However the the accelerator has been shut down for the last 2 years for maintenance and overhauling. It has since been given superconducting magnets along with higher grade wiring able to to handle higher currents, giving it the ability to go up to and possibly beyond 13 trillion electron volts. This may open the door to discovering particles like the elusive Supersymmetry particle that is said to be the key to discovering dark matter.

In addition to the power upgrades, significant upgrades have also been made to the safety, cooling and computing infrastructure as well, such as adding over 100 petabytes of additional data storage to cope with the increased amount of data that is expected from the new experiments phase.


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