Death by firing squad: Utah Senate approves firing squad for executions

  • 9 years ago
Utah lawmakers approved the use of a firing squad as an alternative method of execution in the state on Tuesday. The Utah State Senate passed the bill with an 18-10 vote, though the legislation still needs to be approved by Utah Governor Gary Herbert.

Utah ended the use of firing squads several years ago and, like the majority of U.S. states, has mainly used lethal injections to execute prisoners on death row. But the state now faces a shortage of lethal injection drugs as pharmaceutical companies worldwide are refusing to sell the drugs.

During execution by a firing squad, the prisoner is strapped into a seat in an execution chamber and a hood is placed over their head. A white target is then placed on their chest. Five gunmen stand 25 feet away behind a black curtain and brick wall with a gun port. The gunmen shoot with .30-caliber Winchester rifles. One gun is loaded with a blank so that none of the gunmen know who actually fired the fatal shots.The bullets enter the heart or lungs, puncturing the organs and immediately cutting off blood circulation to the brain.

Lethal injections are currently authorized in 32 U.S. states, while electrocution is authorized in eight states. Three states allow death by hanging, and another three states use the gas chamber. Oklahoma is considering legislation authorizing the use of nitrogen gas to execute prisoners. Utah will be the only state that allows the choice of death by a firing squad.

The last prisoner to be executed by firing squad in the U.S. was Ronnie Lee Gardner in 2010, who requested to be shot to death in the hopes of stirring up opposition to capital punishment.


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