freelee the banana girl vs Kayla Itsines: lawsuit over Bikini Body starvation claim

  • 9 years ago
A judge in Adelaide, Australia, has ruled that an online feud between competing fitness wanks should indeed go to trial.

Kayla Itsines is suing Leanne Ratcliffe and her boyfriend Harley Johnstone for defamation, but their competing lifestyle brands are also being contested.

Kayla Itsines has a swank website full of polished exercise videos, and sells a $70 bikini body eGuide, while Ms. Ratcliffe, known as Freelee the Banana Girl, has a mattress on the floor and a boom-mic made of a stick.

The feud, which Ms Itsines' legal counsel is calling an ambush marketing ploy, started when Banana and her boyfriend Durianrider, uploaded several videos, claiming Itsines' program starves people, and her boyfriend is on steroids.

A judge has already sided with Ms. Itsines, and ordered the videos to be removed. But Banana's boyfriend, Durianrider, only set the videos on his channel to "private", instead of deleting them completely.

Ms Itsines says the videos are defamatory, but Banana and Durian, say it's a free speech
issue. And, demonstrating his can-do fitness attitude, Durianrider acting as their own attorney.

At court today, to show they mean law-business, Banana and Durian even brought 100 fitness fans of their "Carb the Fuck Up!" campaign to court with them, and of course, some bananas for photo-ops outside the courthouse.

The trial reconvenes next week, but, while the the fruits will be represented by Durian himself, Ms. Itsines has retained an actual lawyer. So, this might be a quick one.


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