Iran nuclear talks enter day eight with progress made but no deal drafted

Negotiations continued deep into the night in Lausanne between Iran and the 5 +1 group of world powers over Tehran’s nuclear programme.

Progress is slow to reach even a preliminary agreement with diplomats in Switzerland saying talks are finely balanced between success and failure.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif gave his take on the talks so far: “If they, (5+1) reach an agreement on the framework of the deal today, then there will be a joint statement by Federica Mogherini and myself. Only after that will we be able to start drafting the final agreement.”

The stumbling blocks remain however.

The 5+1 group wants to prevent Tehran developing a nuclear bomb.

While Iran desires a lifting of international sanctions and the right to a civil nuclear programme.

Our correspondent Reihaneh Mazaheri is in Lausanne:“The Iran nuclear talks now enter an eighth day and are ongoing behind closed doors. Both say significant progress has been made, but for a joint statement to