School Supplies + Study Tips

  • 11 years ago
Hello, friends. These are my school supplies and top study tips for post-secondary schooling (college and university)! Remember that every thing you need to succeed is right there, you just need to spend time with the material. Ask the material questions, buy it dinner, call it the next day. Once you guys have a nice relationship, it'll have your back during exam time. All relationships are give and take, so be patient and enjoy the ride!

My study tips are what I do with the course material that is not covered in class, in college/university the student usually has to do the majority of learning outside of lecture. Obviously, paying attention in class and taking good notes is important as well =]. Also, DO THE READINGS. DO NOT READ SUMMARIES ONLINE AS A SUBSTITUTE. JUST DO THE READINGS!

It is important to note that good diet and exercise is an important key to my school habits! Treat your body right during school because you NEED the energy!

Q: Where do you like to study?
A: In the library, either in study rooms with people or well-lit cubicles by myself. If I study in my room I get distracted, hungry and tired too easily. I associate home with rest, so if there is work to be done, I stay at school late.

Q: Will you make a school lunches video?
A: Yes!

Q: How do you stay focussed?
A: Put yourself in place with no distractions (I like cubicles in the library because the book is the most interesting thing I can look at). Sleep well, feel energized and make sure you are in a place with silent, respectful people. If everything around me is too loud, I listen to white noise while I study, but that is a last resort, I prefer dead silence.

Q: Do you believe in natural ability or do you believe people are taught to be smart?
A: I cannot deny the presence of natural ability, but I think effort can even the playing field to a significant extent. As they say, work beats talent when talent isn't working!

Q: How do you manage your time effectively?
A: School comes first and every thing else comes after. I allow myself to let loose once all of my academic responsibilities are taken care of. If I receive an assignment with a due date that is far off in the future, I start in the assignment immediately and tweak it until it is due. If you don't slack on your work, you will find yourself having a lot of spare time and it will be a relatively low-stress semester. Don't do anything tomorrow that you can do today.

Q: What are you doing in school?
A: I just left my current university to go to another school, I am also switching paths and declaring a new major. It's not something I want to talk about yet because it's so fresh and I don't like to talk about things before they materialize! I hope you understand =].

love and light,

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