The Mark of the Rani, Black and White GOWI Cut, 2 of 2

  • 9 years ago
The third story of Season 22 converted to Black and White and recut. Not a bad story, and The Rani is quite good in it. Once she tells The Doctor and The Master, "Oh, do stop squabbling and get on with it!" I took this advice and made a GOWI (Get On With It) Cut.

At times the story is too slow. There's also too much bickering between The Doctor and Peri which doesn't contribute to the story. In addition, some of the most cringeworthy elements of the story have been removed. The mines don't turn people into trees. Now they're just freaking mines. There's no ridiculous fascination with a remote control TARDIS. And no TRex at the end.

It's mostly intact, with only abou 5 minutes cut from each part.


