Top 10 Ninth Doctor Stories: Number 10.

  • 9 years ago
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC and its music was composed by Murray Gold and I take no credit for any of the material from the show used in this video.

This video is protected by articles 17 and 107 in the United States Fair Use Code. This video is not an infringement on copyright.

To think, 10 years ago today was the day this show was revived after long over a decade of hiatus. If Series 1 were not as brilliant as it was, we might not be celebrating this occasion.

So to celebrate it, I have decided to compile a Top 10 Ninth Doctor stories list. (Incidentally, there are only 10 televised stories of the Ninth Doctor, so this could alternatively be viewed as a worst to best list. Though that implies the weakest stories are generally bad, but that is why the first series was so great. Even the relatively weakest stories of this season were still pretty damn good!)

In this video, you can expect me to ramble about a few things, such as what overlooked merits of The Long Game there are, why Boom Town is so criminally underrated, and why some of the stories from this series were quite possibly among the best content television has ever had to offer.

This is my opinion by the way, so feel free to disagree if you want. I just thought I would offer my own perspective on the quality of all these episodes.

Also, Christopher, you were truly FANTASTIC as The Doctor. You may still be my favorite Doctor to date.

Anyway, please enjoy the video!


