60 Second Millionaire Review | ALERT - 60 Second Millionaire Scam Software System


by sdourdil

60 Second Millionaire Review – click http://www.alarmclockassassin.com for a safer alternative to binary options

60 Second Millionaire is a piece of binary options trading software which, according to the sales video, guarantees its users almost instant wealth, regardless of whether or not they have any trading experience, simply by downloading the app and letting it run.

The 60 Second Millionaire system has been reviewed countless times online – if you have been looking for 60 Second Millionaire reviews, you will probably have noticed that most of them have been put together by marketers who are actually promoting the software and include an affiliate link to the 60 Second Millionaire sales page so that they make a commission of $250 whenever they manage to get someone to download the software and deposit funds into a trading account with the “recommended broker”.

However, if it really was true that everybody who uses the 60 Second Millionaire software makes thousands of dollars a day, on complete autopilot, why would anyone waste their time and energy trying to make $250 affiliate commissions by promoting it, instead of actually using it and becoming rich without having to do any work?

It’s nearly impossible not to think that the income claims made by 60 Second Millionaire are wildly exaggerated and that it was designed only to make money for unscrupulous marketers as opposed to the people who are actually using it to trade.

The U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) also has an interesting article on its website, which you can read at http://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/fraudadv_binaryoptions, discussing the dangers involved in trading binary options online and the scams that are rife in this area.

My question is this – what are YOU looking for? An imaginary push-button system that will suddenly stuff thousands of dollars every day into your bank account without you having to do any work? No such thing exists! Or are you lo