• há 10 anos
Music in High Places, the ultimate international music and travel adventure series that takes top recording artists to the most ancient sites on earth. Each expedition takes music's biggest artists to the four corners of the globe and features exciting acoustic performances set against the backdrop of earth's most intriguing natural locations. Take an intimate journey with Brian McKnight as he discovers the culture, history and spirituality of Sao Luis, Brazil. Collect the entire series for musical experiences that are anything but ordinary.
Songs: When the Chariot Comes; Can You Read My Mind; One Last Cry; You Should Be Mine (Don't Waste Your Time); 6, 8, 12; Quiet Place; Home; You Could Be the One; Cherish; Anytime; Back at One.

As Brian McKnight points out, the "Music in High Places" series presents artists performing "without a net." There are no "smoke and mirrors" that can disguise a lack of ability nor can anything be "corrected" in post-production. This installment takes place in the scenic, rural community of Sao Luis, Brazil, rather than in a big city like Sao Paulo. It isn't a collection of videos, but rather a combination of acoustic performances and commentary from McKnight about his music and travels. Although he doesn't perform any Brazilian songs, he incorporates a samba-like beat into several of his own mid-tempo R&B-flavored numbers about love and spirituality. For McKnight fans, this is essential viewing--an opportunity to get to know the man as though you were there. The feeling is spontaneous and unrehearsed, even if McKnight and his crew had to work long and hard to create that impression. --Kathleen C. Fennessy


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