Cid, uk subs

  • 17 years ago
Stunning live performance from a very special night organised by Peafish. The whole performance will be the subject of an official (professional!!) DVD release - BUY!:

"Paul Fox guitarist of the legendary punk band The Ruts was recently diagnosed with untreatable lung cancer. Paul has toured with and played with many legends of the music world over the last 30 odd years and is a much loved character in not only the punk scene but the British music scene in general.

Paul had gone into semi retirement until in 2006 Buster Blood Vessel of Bad Manners took him out for a drink and convinced him to form a new Ruts band, which he did. And so foxys Ruts were born.

Following an acclaimed performance at Badfest and a follow up tour with Bad Manners, John Otway, Tenpole Tudor, Splodgenessabounds and King Kurt, Paul Fox and his Ruts had drummed up a whole new audience, although everyone who attended knew The Ruts most famous hit 'Babylons Burning' by the end of the first few notes.

In order to acknowledge Foxys high standing in the hearts and minds of all involved in the British music scene there is to be a Special Benefit gig on Monday 16th July at the Carling Academy Islington.

We have some very special guests and it will be a night so fabulous that Paul Fox will be left in no doubt as to the amount of love and respect that is out there for him in the hearts of the public.

All proceeds from this event will be going towards helping Paul and his family at this difficult time although a percentage of the profits will also go to Cancer Research."
