Sualat Mirza -An Untold Love Story of a Target Killer 2015

  • 9 years ago
Sualat Mirza -Untold Love Story of a Target Killer 2015.The woman behind Karachi’s most notorious target killer.t was 1997. She was an 18-year-old, slender and shy girl and he was a 26-year-old handsome man, with a thick moustache and chest hair protruding out of his shirt. Just like they used to when they were kids, they were racing up a steep mount located behind their homes in North Nazimabad, Karachi. Once they reached the top, he took her hand and proposed.
“You see this downward slope in this hill. This is my life; this is where I am going. It’s going to be very tough but I want to marry you. Do you agree?”
She did.
It is 2015, and just hours before he is sent to the gallows, the wife of Karachi’s most notorious target killer is clinging on to a dream; a dream where Saulat Ali aka Saulat Mirza would walk away from hangman’s noose and they would both run off to New Zealand.
“I am positive he won’t be hanged. I don’t even want to think about that possibility,” Saulat’s wife, who chose to remain unnamed, told The Express Tribune, in denial that he would be executed at the Mach jail tomorrow morning.
For nearly two decades, Saulat’s family avoided the limelight, maintaining silence on his death sentence. Journalists would not even think of contacting them because of the fear attached to the target killer’s name.
As his hanging inches closer, she clings to her dream of them being together in New Zealand, where “there would be no political parties, no violence and most importantly, there will be no one to recognise us.”
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