Mutant League Hockey review. Shop CGR shirts & mugs! Mutant League Hockey review. Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Mutant League Hockey for the SEGA Genesis developed and published by Electronic Arts. Imagine NHL 94 with more mutants and blood. That’s Mutant League Hockey, and yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds. A follow up to Mutant League Football, this outrageous sports game gives the same barbaric treatment to hockey. Some of the goalies are demons, for example, and there are usually several deaths on the ice during any given game. You can tell where the deaths happened by the piles of bones, obviously. Mutant League Hockey is a fast-paced retro hockey game for gamers who prefer their sports games a little silly. And a little violent. Mutant League Hockey includes single-player and local multiplayer play on the SEGA Genesis. This video review features video gameplay footage of Mutant League Hockey for the SEGA Genesis and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.