Invantive Webservice Introduction

  • 9 jaar geleden
Invantive Web Service Introduction.

This video gives you an introduction to the Invantive Web Service.
Because of the technological changes and the mobility of employees more and more traditional work spaces are disappearing.
Employees work at home more often or make use of travel time work. Work processes like the making of
financial reports or the start-up of a new project take place more and more outside of the office.
For companies this means that work processes are assigned differently and should be optimized. To allow for the work
processes to run as efficient and effective as possible it it required to have quick and safe access to the company network
through the internet.

Web Services make it possible for companies to organize work processes through the Internet even smarter,
By providing access to the company network and applications using web services, it is possible to coordinate and
optimize processes from each location.

The Invantive Web Service offers various advantages:

- The Invantive Web Service makes it easy to quickly and safely exchange data through the internet between various databases and services. For companies this means that the execution of financial calculations and the manufacturing and recording of contracts is available from every location.

- The Invantive Web Service simplifies the exchange of information between different parties within a project. The Invantive Web Service makes it possible to give partners - through http(s) - authorized access to applications and databases. The advantage of this is that existing applications and applications based on Invantive Producer can easily exchange data. This means that partners can use one application for the planning of projects, execution of complex calculation models and the registration of work hours. Using the Invantive Web Service the data can - depending on the security model - be retrieved and processed in the own administration. This makes it possible to provide multiple clients and/or relations quick and safe access to the company network with the Invantive Web Service.

- With the Invantive Web Service work processes can be organized even smarter and be optimized. The result is the more effective and efficient work on a project.

Hello and welcome to this video on the technology of Invantive Web Service.
Today I'm going to introduce you to the software solution "Invantive Web Service".
Invantive Web Service allows you to access databases, web services and applications across the cloud.
It provides connectivity to a fat client application without first setting up a VPN tunnel or accessing the Local Area Network.
The Invantive Web Service also helps you to communicate across a global LAN.
It incorporates smart catching of exchanged information on both endpoints of the connection.
Also, Invantive Web Service completely and transparently compresses data and metadata being transported.


