Inner Peace

  • 9 years ago

Subliminal Messages:

I release the trap of duality

I am perfect being

I experience perfect being

I am one with myself

I am one with all

I am one

I am allness

I am nothingness

I am complete

I am fulfilled

I am complete

I am yin and yang

I am all there is

I am one unto myself

I am whole

I am infinite

I am the future

I am the past

I am the present

I am all

I am nothingness

I am pure

I am open completely

I accept everything

I am one with all

I am content with all

I am complete

I am fulfilled

I am whole

I am the mind of god

I am the super conscious

I am the mind of all

I am universal mind

I breathe truth

I breathe life

I commune with others easily

I manifest the now

I am the now

I interact with the universe

I am the universe

I interact with others

I am others

I experience all

I interact with all

You release the trap of duality

You are perfect being

You experience perfect being

You are one with yourself

You are one with all

You are one

You are allness

You are nothingness

You are complete

You are fulfilled

You are complete

You are yin and yang

You are all there is

You are one unto yourself

You are whole

You are infinite

You are the future

You are the past

You are the present

You are all

You are nothingness

You are pure

You are open completely

You accept everything

You are one with all

You are content with all

You are complete

You are fulfilled

You are whole

You are the mind of god

You are the super conscious

You are the mind of all

You are universal mind

You breathe truth

You breathe life

You commune with others easily

You manifest the now

You are the now

You interact with the universe

You are the universe

You interact with others

You are others

You experience all

You interact with all