Before breaking the hands of the practitioners of violence against women, we should prevent them from being raised

  • 9 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: But see, you are breaking those hands after they are raised. What would happen if there was no need to break those hands and if they were not raised against women? What would happen if they did not have a Darwinist/materialist education? Why do we have to have that education? Why? Okay let’s talk about Darwinism. Let’s bring forth paleontological evidences and the structure of  proteins and let the young people decide for themselves. We are not asking that this will be imposed on people. I’m saying that Darwinism can be taught in more detail. Let’s present paleontological evidence so young people can see. Let’s hold exhibitions at schools and let the children decide for themselves. Let’s show them the structure of the protein molecule. Let’s show them that this can’t have come into existence by coincidence. Let them decide for themselves. There is nothing to be afraid of. After this man martyrs my dear Özgecan, how cou


