News-in-Depth: Impact of BOK rate cut

  • 9 years ago
And to go in-depth on this story, Professor Yang Jun-sok and our BOK correspondent Hwang Ji-hye is joining us in the studio.
Welcome to you both.

What did you think of the timing and degree of the rate cut by the Bank of Korea?

The central bank has actually cut its key rate two times in the second half of last year... and many say those rate cuts did not have a signifcant impact on boosting consumption or investment... as sluggish demand is mainly stemming from the country's structural problems.
How much can a rate cut really accomplish?

household debt concerns: professor

the global trend of easing... currency war?

Well, the BOK governor refused to say that the central bank is now in the so-called "currency war", adding that it's not trimming the key rate to counteract the global monetary easing spree,... but it's acting to tackle the sluggish domestic demand.
But local exporters, of course, are welcoming the surprise move,... saying that it will raise the country's price competitiveness in the global market.

the korean won... 19-month low yesterday... why? us fed rate hike... is this the direction that the won is going to take for some time now... in the lead-up to the fed hike?

your take on concerns about a massive capital outflow due to possible rate hike by us federal reserve in the coming months

Just to add to that...
In last month's monetary policy meeting minutes,... one of the policymakers said.. that Korea is now less affected by the Fed's rate hike.
But the top central banker said today... that it's hard to draw a conclusion on that issue,... adding that it will keep a close eye on the Federal Reserve and global capital outflows.

what's your outlook moving forward? bok says it's keeping expansionary monetary policies... watching federal reserve?

Thank you.