Clock ticking for Greece, says eurozone chief

  • 9 years ago
The head of the Eurogroup has repeated his call that time is running out for Greece.

Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem said further talks could take place in Brussels on Wednesday whilst officials from the troika visit Athens.

“I have said that talks in Brussels can only start when people are also welcomed in Athens. If that keeps being a problem, the process will not start and then the clock just keeps ticking and it has to start in parallel,” he said.

Greek Finance Minister Vanis Varoufakis left the meeting of EU finance ministers in Brussels without speaking to the media.

But according to Greek government officials, no visits to Athens by EU, ECB and IMF officials are planned at present.

Greece needs to access further bailout money amounting to some seven billion euros as its cash reserves are running low.

Some estimates suggest the country could run out of funds within three weeks.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tspiras is set to hold talks with European Commiss


