EcoCasa - Exquisite Quality, Exceeding Standards

  • 9 years ago
99,824 Euros

Climate change affects everyone, our homes use around a third of the total energy that is produced, to be able to show positive and real changes we as home owners need to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels like oil and gas.

At EcoCasa we wanted to make a difference in a truly positive way by producing very efficient homes with superb energy saving features available to everyone and anyone without needing experts to provide technical specifications to achieve this high standard.

We offer a product that meets our own exacting standards whilst being very energy efficient and easy to maintain. It should also be attractive, desirable and most importantly affordable.

We are providing an EcoCasa that drastically reduces the amount of energy it uses on a day to day basis, by using fossil energy in the most efficient way and using the renewable energy of the sun, we will make a significant step forward to protect the environment not just right now but for all future generations.

Here are some of the innovative and effective features available with our EcoCasa range.

Heating, cooling and lighting are some of the most costly elements in any home, we use solar units for our hot water and heating needs and LED bulbs for lighting.

Our EcoCasa has Ytong technology at its forefront, the outer surface is finished to a high standard with a durable coating in a colour to suit the owner, the product needs little maintenance and is guaranteed for 20 years. The inherent design protects the structure from fire and gives a robust, high quality feel, giving far superior sound and insulation levels when compared to other inferior methods. The end result is a tightly controlled environment which is economical to maintain, light, heat and cool.

1. EcoCasa design is totally flexible, no limits to your ideas and no limit to what you can have.
2. Rapid Build System enable the main structure to be completed in days not months.
3. Less water is used in the production of every EcoCasa Structure
4. Energy efficient though out.
5. EcoCasa complies with the latest revision of the CTE (Technical Building code in Spain)
6. Internal walls are added at initial build, no fuss or time issue. 7. Doorways and internal walls are tied in to the structure 8. EcoCasa construction exceeds the standards laid down by the current building regulations.
9. Decorating is achieved much faster and less costly. 10. EcoCasa exclusive LED low power lighting is available throughout.
11. No obtrusive support pillars enhance the options for quality living.
12. Echo & reverberation problems are significantly lower
13. Almost zero drying out = no cracking, disappointment or complaints.
14. Move into an EcoCasa in less than 13 weeks of build period from finished foundations.
15. Our design creates a natural airflow preventing condensation, allowing it to breathe
16. High quality insulation keep you cooler in Summer and warmer in Winter.
17. Ceiling Fans are normally the only air cooling you may need!
18. Conventional house interiors suffer from dampness in the total structure as it dries.
19. EcoCasa homes have high level DPC protection.
20. EcoCasa construction is possible when imperfect ground conditions are encountered.
21. Pipes and Cables are all easily installed in every EcoCasa, 22. Every EcoCasa saves 60% more embodied energy compared to conventional houses.
23. An EcoCasa is the safest construction to be in during an Earthquake.
24. Impact noise within an EcoCasa is very low
25. Rooms can be achieved economically and easily.
26. EcoCasa meets all SAP Energy Ratings, normal ratings are B, compare that to the rest!
26. EcoCasa meets and exceeds all relevant standards in Spain.
28. Adverse weather conditions do not affect continuity of work-flow.
29. Each EcoCasa component is designed and constructed with precise standards.
30. Do it right, price, selection, quality, speed of completion, nobody even comes close.