Download Creative Thinking For Dummies ebook {PDF} {EPUB}

  • 9 years ago
Download Creative Thinking For Dummies by David Cox - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: Creative thinking made easy Being creative can be tough - and trying to come up with greatideas under pressure can leave the great ideas under wraps!Creative Thinking For Dummies helps you apply creativethinking techniques to everything you touch, whether it's thatnovel you have inside you or the new business idea you've had thatwill make you the next hot entrepreneur ??? or anything inbetween.
Creative Thinking For Dummies is a practical, hands-onguide packed with techniques and examples of different ways tothink creatively. It covers a range of techniques, includingbrainstorming, lateral thinking, mind mapping, synectics, drawingand doodling your way to great ideas, meditation and visualization,word and language games, and divergent thinking.
See the world in a different way, and realise that you aresurrounded by creative inspiration
Brainstorm new ideas successfully and try out some lateralthinking exercises
Open your mind to a new way of thinking and nail down thosegreat ideas
Discover creative thinking techniques using games, words,drawings, and storytelling
Let creativity enhance all aspects of your life, whetherdeveloping your personal skills, becoming professionallyeffective, or using creative thinking techniques to help yourchildren develop their creative minds
You'll soon discover that everybody, including you, has a wealthof creative potential within-you just need to tap intoit!