Rosario, played by Spanish actress Sarita Montiel, thinks she has found a handsome new lover when Martin Corona comes to the ranch. Martin, played by Pedro Infante, does nothing to discourage Rosario. When Martin is invited to sing at a party, Rosario arrives to admire her new boy friend but quickly notices that Martin seems to know every pretty woman in the audience and worse, is making fliratious eye contact with the girls. To Rosarios horror, the longing looks are being returned by the women. As Martin sings at 2:30, Somos dos Viejos Amigos, we are two old friends.
The first "Mexican Mondays" video, Lucha Reyes singing the beautiful "Ballad of the Chihuahua Desert" was rejected by DaMn, but you can see it on You Tube which, these days, seems to have a much friendlier attitude towards those uploading music.
The first "Mexican Mondays" video, Lucha Reyes singing the beautiful "Ballad of the Chihuahua Desert" was rejected by DaMn, but you can see it on You Tube which, these days, seems to have a much friendlier attitude towards those uploading music.