Download What's Stopping You Being More Confident ebook {PDF} {EPUB}

  • 9 years ago
Download What's Stopping You Being More Confident by Robert Kelsey - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: A prescriptive, commonsense approach to self-confidence andsuccess With his bestselling book, What's Stopping You, RobertKelsey helped thousands of people conquer their fear of failure andunlock their full potential in life. Now Robert is applyinghis unique approach to the subject of confidence. According toRobert, it's not something that can simply be injected intous through motivational exercises and positive thinking. What'sStopping You…Being Confident? highlights the keyreasons why you might be lacking confidence in the firstplace, what causes self-doubt or makes you feel able thanothers. Then we are shown how to turn this around, byexamining the traits that make someone confident.
Follow-up to the ground-breaking bestseller, What'sStopping You?, with the same intelligent approach toself-help
A road map to help us break down the barriers that make us shyaway from achieving our full potential
How to recognize what you're good at, but also whatyou're not good at
Includes tactics for maintaining self-assurance and learninghow to apply these in real-life practical situations
Based on extensive research and personal experience
Everyone has moments of doubt - this practical and persoanlbook can help remove those demons and boost morale. Irecommend it strongly
Luke Johnson, RSA Chairman, Financial Times columnist andauthor of Start It Up!
This combination of searing honesty and genuine curiosity abouthow our lives are shaped makes for compelling reading
Fi Glover, multi-award winning braodcast journalist and BBCradio presenter
An invaluable resource for anyone lacking confidence
John Caunt, author of Boost Your Self-Esteem
