Beautiful FVX work of British visual effects company Fluid Pictures about Japan's World War II Submarine I-400 for National Geographic Channel of The United States in 2009 with music from German Film Das Boot in 1981.
This movie is edited from Largest Dams's The Largest Submarine in World War II
( ) and HiVision7's【HD】日本軍の極秘潜水艦 Japan's Secret Weapon part1-8 ( ) without their permissions.
《Documentary Description》
Spring, 1946. Ten months after the end of World War II, an explosion rocks the Pacific off the coast of Hawaii. America has just destroyed one of Japan’s most advanced weapons systems – the I-401 aircraft carrier submarine. But this was no belated attack against the defeated Japanese. Bound by an agreement to share any discoveries with the Soviets but feeling the pressure of the looming cold war, it was a calculated decision to keep the technology out of Soviet hands. The Japanese had built their sub to take the war to U.S. shores. Merging the stealth and tactical advantages of sea and sky, the revolutionary submarine carried three specially-designed Seiran attack bombers, which could be launched from the deck of the sub within seven minutes of it reaching the surface.
I-400-class submarine
Music:Klaus Doldinger / Titel from " Das Boot (1981) "
This movie is edited from Largest Dams's The Largest Submarine in World War II
( ) and HiVision7's【HD】日本軍の極秘潜水艦 Japan's Secret Weapon part1-8 ( ) without their permissions.
《Documentary Description》
Spring, 1946. Ten months after the end of World War II, an explosion rocks the Pacific off the coast of Hawaii. America has just destroyed one of Japan’s most advanced weapons systems – the I-401 aircraft carrier submarine. But this was no belated attack against the defeated Japanese. Bound by an agreement to share any discoveries with the Soviets but feeling the pressure of the looming cold war, it was a calculated decision to keep the technology out of Soviet hands. The Japanese had built their sub to take the war to U.S. shores. Merging the stealth and tactical advantages of sea and sky, the revolutionary submarine carried three specially-designed Seiran attack bombers, which could be launched from the deck of the sub within seven minutes of it reaching the surface.
I-400-class submarine
Music:Klaus Doldinger / Titel from " Das Boot (1981) "