"Jihadi John" identified as Kuwaiti-born Briton Mohammed Emwazi

  • 9 years ago
Kuwaiti-born British national Mohammed Emwazi has been identified as the so-called Islamic State militant “Jihadi John” who has been seen in several videos decapitating captives.

Initially identified by an American newspaper after British media were told not to name him by British security services, his identity has now been confirmed by US government sources.

Emwazi came to Britain as a child and was a member of a wealthy family living in West London before it is believed he became radicalised around 2009 when he graduated. He was then arrested when trying to enter Tanzania. and then interrogated by MI5 in the Netherlands on his return journey.

The following year he was detained again and fingerprinted, and prevented from going to Kuwait where he wanted to marry a local woman.