Thierry de Montbrial on the 2015 Annual Energy Conference

  • il y a 9 ans
"Europe and the New Frontiers of Energy: Turning Grand Strategy into Effective Policy - Proposing Sustainable, Efficient and Field-Relevant Solutions"

2015 Ifri Center for Energy Annual Conference, Brussels

The Ifri Center for Energy will host its annual conference on March 4th, 2015 in Brussels. While global energy markets are transitioning to sustainable systems and are confronted by declining oil prices, there is a greater need to align European policies with global energy trends. This year’s theme, “New Energy Frontiers,” is aimed at calling for an outwards look on energy issues in the European Union as a way to create more realistic and stable policies. The discussion will revolve around the question of how the European energy and climate policies can deliver effective results in light of geopolitical upheavals, technological developments and governance issues.

Morning Session

8:30-9:00 Registration and welcome coffee
9:00-9:15 Welcome address, Thierry de MONTBRIAL, President of Ifri
9:15-9:45 Opening address,

9:45-11:45 Session 1 - New Frontiers in Geopolitics: New Strategies for the Main Actors?

Chairman: Ambassador William RAMSAY, Former Deputy Executive Director, IEA, Senior Advisor, Ifri

Revolutions: Saudi America, Mirage or Sustainable Reality? Sylvie CORNOT-GANDOLPHE, Associate researcher, Ifri Center for Energy

Will the Middle East Remain the Energy Lung of the Planet?

Confrontation: Russia, Short-Sighted Politics or Long-Term Strategy? Tatiana MITROVA, ‎Head of Oil and Gas Department, Energy Research Institute, Moscow

Tensions: Asian Power Games, Tatsuo MASUDA, Professor at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, former Vice President of Japan National Oil Corporation

Balance: Deep-Offshore, the New Territories, Yves-Louis DARRICARRERE, President Upstream, Total

12:00-13:00 Special Debate: Energy Policy, Industry Policy: Hand-in-Hand or Face-to-Face?

Moderator: Barbara LEWIS, Journalist, Reuters

Dominique RISTORI, Director General, DG Energy, EU Commission and Jean-Pierre CLAMADIEU, President, European Chemistry Council (CEFIC)

13:00-13:45 Lunch

13:45-15:00 Session 2 - New Frontiers in Technology and Business: From Engineer’s Dream to Field Solutions

Chairman: Cécile MAISONNEUVE, Senior advisor, Ifri Center for Energy

Renewables: How Much Does it Cost? Thomas-Olivier LEAUTIER, Professor, Toulouse School of Economics

Being an Energy Company Today: New Emerging Patterns, Susanne HOUNSELL, Associate Director, IHS-CERA

Electricity Networks: Sharing the Burden, Dominique MAILLARD, Chief Executive Officer, RTE

Nuclear: a legacy to manage or assets for the transition? Jean-Pol PONCELET, Director General, FORATOM

15:30-15:45 Coffee Break

15:45-17:15 Session 3 - New Frontiers in Governance: Implementing Efficient Policies in Europe

Chairman: Marie-Claire AOUN, Director, Ifri Center for Energy

A Regulator’s View of the European Energy Policy, Lord MOGG, President of the Council of European Regulators, Chair of the Board of Regulators, ACER and European adviser, Ofgem

Implementing: A View from the Field (1), Jean-François CONIL-LACOSTE, Chief Executive Officer, EPEX SPOT

Implementing: A View from the Field (2), Denis SIMONNEAU, Member of the Executive Committee, GDF-SUEZ

Getting ready for the COP in Paris

17:15-17:45 Concluding Remarks with Marie-Claire AOUN, Director, Ifri Center for Energy and Jacques LESOURNE, President of the Scientific Committee, Ifri Center for Energy
