Eurogroup delivers deadline to Greece over bailout extension

  • 9 years ago
Greece has been given until Friday to request an extension to its bailout programme or face the consequences.

The ultimatum came after Monday’s talks with eurozone finance ministers collapsed.

Athens would rather have a temporary loan to allow for further talks on changes to Greece’s future funding.

After publishing an official statement from the Eurogroup, its Chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem explained his position:

“Within that programme a lot of changes are possible, there is flexibility but the main features of the programme, keeping the budget on track, reforming the economy have to be maintained. But the first step will be an extension and the next step is to talk about the content of the programme, but not the other way around.”

Greece’s new leftist government has vowed to scrap its 240 billion euro bailout, and reverse unpopular austerity policies, but Eurogroup ministers seem to be having none of it.

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis appeared disappointed at M
