Dr Zakir Naik-What are the conditions for the acceptance of good deeds in Ramadan

Dr Zakir Naik

by Dr Zakir Naik

Dr Zakir Naik: The basic 2 conditions are no. 1 is the intention. It should only be for Allah (swt) and no one else. Whatever deed you do, it should only be for Allah (swt) and no one else. This is very important. If this condition is not met then all your deeds are wasted.

And Allah (swt) says in the Quran in Surah Bayyinah ch. no. 98 verse no. 5, it says that

"You worship none but Allah (swt)." And you do it only for Him and for no one else.

It is further mentioned in Surah Insaan ch. no. 76 verse no. 9, it says that

"We have fed you for the sake of Allah (swt), for the pleasure of Allah (swt). We do not require nay reward from you, nor do we require any returns."

That means if you feed some one, it is for the sake of Allah (swt). Not seeking a reward or not seeking anything in return. This is a very important factor that you should note. All your actions should be for the sake of Alalh (swt) that's a very important factor.

And further its mentioned in the Quran in Surah Shooraa ch. no. 42 verse no. 20 that

"If you do a deed for the tilt, for the reward in the hereafter, Allah (swt) will multiply your reward, your tilt in the hereafter. And if you do a deed or any action for a reward in this world Allah will give you the reward in this world but you'll have no share in the hereafter."

Allah repeats that message in Surah Hood ch. no. 11 verse no. 15 to 16 that

"Anyone who seeks the reward in this world or does any deed for this world and for the glitter of this world, Allah (swt) will surly give it in this world but he will have no share in the hereafter except fire, except hell and all his deeds will not be useful in the hereafter."

So therefore whatever we do should be for Allah (Swt). And the second caliph of Islam, Hazrat Umar may Allah be pleased with him,

its mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 1 Hadith no. 1, Hazrat Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, he said that the beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said

"Innamal A'malu bin neeya"

Which means your deeds are judged on your intention.
And the Prophet further said that all your actions are based on your intentions and anyone who has migrated for Allah and His Rasool, he has migrated for Allah and His Rasool. If anyone has done an Hijra, migrated for the worldly benefits or for marriage he has migrated for worldly benefits and marriage. So Neeya is very important.

And this is further repeated in another Hadith in Sahih Muslim Vol no. 4 Hadith no. 7114 it says that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that
"Allah (swt) says that I am alone sufficient, I do not require any associate and if anyone does any deed for anyone else as well as for me I renounce that for the person who he has associated to."

That means you can't do part of the deed for Allah and part for someone else. You have to do completely for the sake of Allah (swt), only for him and no one else. Allah does not like anyone being associated Him. That's very important. So this is a basic point i.e. the Neeya.

The second point to be noted for our deeds to be acceptable is that our deeds should be based on the Shariah, it should be in accordance to Allah and His Rasool, accordance to the teachings of the Quran and teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws).

It's mentioned in Sahih Muslim Vol. no. 3 Hadith no. 4267 where our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that

"If your deeds and actions are not according to our way, according to the religion of Islam, according to Quran and Sahih Hadith then that is rejected."

That means for your deeds to be accepted, it should be according to the Quran and Sahih Hadith.

And its also mentioned in another Sahih Hadith of Abu Dawud Vol. no. 3 Hadith no. 4950, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that he told the people that

"Follow my example and the example of Khulfa Rashadeen that's the rightly guided Caliphs."

So if you follow them and cling to it with eyeteeth that means strongly follow it the Sunnah of the Prophet, "my Sunnah" the Prophet said that his Sunnah, his way and the way of the Khulfa Rashadeen that's rightly guided Caliphs. So for deeds to be accepted our Neeya should be only for Allah (Swt) and it should be according to the Shariah, Quran and Sahih Hadith.
