Islamic Unity cannot come about through politics

  • 9 yıl önce
Erdoğan was brought up to be very brave. He must forget about the presidency though. There is no need for a presidency. The existing system is working fine. He thinks that Islamic Unity will be easier with a presidential system. But that has nothing to do with it. You need education for Islamic Unity. Islamic Unity cannot come about through politics. They tried that in Egypt, and Egypt was ruined. The same in Libya. They tried to implement it in Syria. They will all be ruined. Islamic Unity cannot be achieved through politics. Islamic Unity will come through teaching the truths of the Qur’an and the signs leading to faith, through knowledge and purity. Erdoğan thought, in a well-intentioned way, that he could succeed in this through politics, but all Islamic countries have collapsed.

Bediuzzaman also says it cannot come about through politics. Erdoğan has genuinely suffered very much to date. He thought that Islamic Unity could be established, but it cannot. Not like this. Th