Artificial Eye Fitting (False Eye Ocular Prosthesis) Prosthetic Eye Fitting Surgery in Mumbai,India

  • 9 years ago
In an eye with no visual potential, it may make sense to remove the eye (via enucleation, evisceration, eye removal surgery), insert a silicone / acrylic ball implant surgically (to replace the volume of the removed eye) and instead fit in an artificial, custom made ocular prosthesis (false eye).
Pthisis bulbi, also called Atrophic bulbi / Small Eye / Shrunken Eye, occurs post eye (ocular) trauma (injury), eye surgery and eye infections (inflammations). Phthisis Bulbi or a painful, Blind eye does not have any vision (sight). Moreover, the blind eye can cause sympathetic ophthalmitis (a disease), which can in turn cause blindness even in the other normal eye. A well fitted ocular prosthesis looks and moves just like a normal eye and it can be difficult even for people to tell if the eye is false or real.

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In this video, the patient Ms. Surti, is a 25 year old woman, living in Mumbai, India. Ms. Surti had an eye injury at the age of five (5), with a stick, which made her eye smaller and she lost vision completely (phthisis bulbi). This incident and the damage to her looks (because the small, right eye made her look abnormal), made her under-confident and she could just not carry on with a normal life. Though vision can never be restored in her right eye (the affected eye), Ms. Surti can definitely look normal and lead a normal life. No one else ever needs to know that she does not have one eye. Ms. Surti was treated by Dr. Debraj Shome, one of the top/ best oculoplastic surgeons & facial plastic surgeons in the world. Dr. Debraj Shome is currently based in Mumbai, India. Dr. Shome specializes in enucleation, evisceration, exenteration, eye removal surgery & cosmetic rehabilitation post the same

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Ms. Surti underwent a myoconjunctival enucleation surgery, with silicone ball implantation, followed by a custom made artificial eye (ocular prosthesis) fitting. Her right eye now looks cosmetically exactly like her normal, left eye. This surgery has restored Ms. Surti's confidence and she has subsequently gone on to lead a completely normal personal and professional life.

Dr. Debraj Shome is a Celebrity Plastic Surgeon for many Bollywood & Hollywood celebrities. For consultations with Dr. Debraj Shome, please write in to or call +91-9004671379.

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