Unique Ways to Earn Easy Money With Financial Literacy 2015

  • 10 years ago
Unique Ways to Earn Easy Money With Financial Literacy 2015

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How To Earn An Income With Financial Literacy and NOT Have the Bell Run Your Life

Unique Ways to Earn Easy Money With Financial Literacy finance organization marketing ideas tips for kids teens activities planning

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “The bell runs your life,” and more importantly what does that phrase have to do with financial literacy? Well..the thing is that it has a lot to do with financial literacy and the unique ways in which we earn easy money with that financial literacy. Before I go into some nuts and bolts about financial literacy, let me tell you about the story I heard how about how “the bell runs your life.”

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The Bell Runs Your Life Background

One day I was receiving some financial literacy training from a gentleman by the name of Tommy Lee. This is not the Tommy Lee Jones the actor or Tommy Lee the musician, instead this is a marketer who has built many organizations with a sales force and made over 7 figures. He also lives on a small lava rock that goes by the name of Hawaii. Further more, he is mentoring the audience and pouring financial literacy into us when he starts talking about how the bell runs our lives and we want to be careful and aware of this rut. This concept he derived from the great financial literacy teacher, Robert Kiyosaki, and can be found in many of his books

Unique Ways to Earn Easy Money With Financial Literacy 2015
Unique Ways to Earn Easy Money With Financial Literacy
Unique Ways to Earn Easy Money With Financial
Unique Ways to Earn Easy Money
Unique Ways to Earn Easy
Earn Easy Money With Financial Literacy
Earn Easy Money With Financial
Earn Easy Money
Easy Money With Financial Literacy
Easy Money With Financial
Easy Money
Financial Literacy
