Ric Flair goes for the pin

  • 9 years ago
The goal is to win the match, right? Pinfall or submission. I miss good solid pinfall attempts in wrestling. Putting the opponents shoulders to the mat or at least trying.

I put a crude collection of pinning attempts together. There are three versions of the hammerlock-half nelson lift and pin, some leverage maneuvers, a far side cradle, an inside cradle reversed into a near side, a guillotine, and a other things that I can't call. There are single and double leg hooks. S Grips. Pins in transition from both offensive and defensive submission holds. Finally, since he's the dirtiest player in the game, we have to use the ring ropes to our advantage as well.

Once again, it's nothing polished. I put this together in about three hours and most of that was finding some matches to pull footage from.
