Arts Avenue S5Ep6

  • 9 years ago
Fine Art
Low Technology: Back to the Future
10 young artists teamed up together to display their artworks made with low technology in this high tech era. Their pieces show the complex elements with light, motion and sound. Artist Lee Bei-kyoung's kinetic art piece "Metropolis Metaphor," in which a cube is suspended by 64 air porters with ventilators and ultrasonic sensors, expresses the artist's desire to have a shared perspective on today's society. Artist Lee Ye-seung's "Cave into the Cave: A Wild Rumor" shows light being reflected through the colossal cylinder where the objects inside appear as shadows. The spectators see different scenes made by the machines and objects depending on where they stand. This piece exhibits the opposite side of the world surrounded by digital media. High technology and low technology seem to run counter to each other, yet they form a new kind of relationship through antinomies and oppositions.
[Fine art] When technology meets art
Seoul Museum of Art

B.C. (Before Christ)
Dancer and choreographer Jun Hyo-in's "B.C. (Before Christ)" was performed at the ARCO Arts Theater. This performance was supported by the ARKO Young Art Frontier from the Arts Council Korea, which acts as an incubator for discovering and developing young, skillful artists.
"B.C. (Before Christ)" depicts the primitive people of the 21st century. With some props signifying the primeval times, the performers take the audience to a time beyond the past. Also, by showing how the primitive people use objects from the 21st century, this performance illustrates its serious subject matter in a delightful way.
The Act 1 talks about the theory of evolution with primitive people that are familiar with nature, whereas the Act 2 focuses on the theory of creation with primitive people that believe in God with conscious minds. Even without words, the performance indicates the era and flow of time with the slow movements of the dancers. Jun's


