Technology Show and Tell with Kate Zulaski - 2015 Educational Congress

  • 9 years ago Kate Zulaski, BA – Executive Director COMTA
Technology Show and Tell

What technology are you using in the classroom? What have you been thinking about doing but you want ideas about how to do it? Are you making video recordings for students to watch demonstrations again? Do you use supplemental online materials that go with your textbooks? Submit your experiences and questions to Kate Zulaski at COMTA ( The session will be an opportunity to share ideas with each other, with a few specific examples presented at the beginning to get us started.
Kate Zulaski, BA is proud to be a member of the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education and has been since 2010. Mrs. Zulaski began serving the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) as Executive Director in 2009. Prior to working for COMTA, Kate was a massage instructor, clinic supervisor and school administrator at the International Professional School of Bodywork (IPSB). While at IPSB, Kate was introduced to new paradigms for healing which expanded beyond her previous focus in biology and western sciences during her undergraduate studies at Colorado College. As part of her role with COMTA, Kate has had the opportunity to see massage therapy and bodywork education in action all across the nation, which has shown her first-hand the diversity of philosophies and methods being taught. She has a personal commitment to honoring cultural and philosophical differences, while also supporting actions to improve the massage and bodywork profession. Kate is eager to see what we can accomplish by working together during and following the Educational Congress.
