Eurovision Song Contest 1957 Parte 1

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The Eurovision Song Contest 1957 was the second edition of the annual Eurovision Song Contest. It was held on Sunday 3 March 1957 in Frankfurt-am-Main, West Germany. It was won by the Netherlands with "Net als toen", performed by Corry Brokken. Like the first 1956 edition, this one was still mainly a radio programme, but there was a noticeable increase in the number of people with televisions.
For some time, a rumour had existed that the privilege of hosting the 1957 contest was given to Germany because they had come in second place in 1956 with "Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück" by Walter Andreas Schwarz. In fact, not only were the official 1956 scores withheld, but the rule stating that the winning nation hosts the next year's Eurovision Song Contest had not yet been conceived. It was planned at the time that each participating country would take it in turns to host the event. However, as more countries wished to participate, this became impractical.

Le concours Eurovision de la chanson 1957 fut la deuxième édition du concours. Il se déroula le dimanche 3 mars 1957, à Francfort-sur-le-Main, situé alors en République Fédérale d'Allemagne. Il fut remporté par les Pays-Bas, avec la chanson Net Als Toen, interprétée par Corry Brokken. La France termina deuxième et le Danemark, troisième.

Der 2. Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson, so der offizielle Titel in diesem Jahr, fand am 3. März 1957 im Großen Sendesaal des Hessischen Rundfunks in Frankfurt am Main statt, nachdem sich dieser Fernsehsender zur Durchführung der Veranstaltung bereit erklärt hatte. Die Schweiz hatte es nämlich abgelehnt, die Sendung ein zweites Mal hintereinander zu organisieren. Moderatorin war die Schauspielerin Anaid Iplicjian.