Factory production hit by metal workers strike in Turkey

  • 9 years ago
Production has been disrupted at more than 20 factories in Turkey because of a metal workers strike.

Unions are demanding a pay rise and uniform salaries for similar jobs across the country.

It is reported that about 10,000 workers took part in the action on Thursday, including many who work for international companies.

One striking worker, Tarik Dikmen, told reporters: “We have a modest lifestyle. We have debts, like everybody else. We are trying to make ends meet with borrowed money.

“We have to work overtime, since we can’t earn enough.”

Workers striked in the provinces of Osmaniye, Hatay, Mersin, Konya, Kocaeli, Bursa, İzmir, Bilecik and Istanbul

If it is not resolved, the dispute could spread to further sites next month.

Today, metal workers are going on strike all over Turkey to protest low wages. pic.twitter.com/zhCinTNpJL— julia julia bo bulia (@Julia_ATC) January 29, 2015

Strike selfie in front of the factory #MetalİscisiGrevde #Turkey


