Need for legal framework in Inter-Korean economic cooperation 남북경협 제도의 필요성

Arirang TV

: Arirang TV

2 조회
Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation for Unification
North Korea has recently required the lifting of the "5.24 Measures" in return for the resumption of the reunion of the separated families. And Unification Ministry has also showed its plan to promote a test run of Trans-Korean Railway as part of an effort to boost inter-Korean economic cooperation. On this week's UPFRONT, we are joined by Saenuri Party lawmaker Yoo Ki-june, who is also chairman of Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee and lawmaker of New Politics Alliance for Democracy Won Hye-young who is also chairman of Special Committee on Inter-Korean Relations and Cooperation to hear more about the current situation and challenges that lie ahead of inter-Korean economic cooperation.