The good dog helps the cat

  • 10 years ago
The good dog helps the cat

great, first isis the group from europia do 9/11, and now theyre terrorism cats as well, im def gonna repot this for holding me back in bronze elo hell, i deserve challenjour, gg
Man this ugly clown with a stupid hat and pedo stash again. Do you comment on every Youtube video or something? SMH...
Excuse me, miss. I speak Jive and Ebonics. He said he had the fish for dinner.
Colonel Euphoria‏
Such cruelty, you think it's funny putting a cup on a poor cat's head? That doesn't amuse anyone sir. Thankfully your doge (reddit meme) is not as stupid and barbarious as you are. Animals are not tools for your personal amusement.
This video should be banned for blatant animal cruelty. I'm calling my friends over at /r/animalrights and /r/pcmasterrace right away, prepare for the downthumbs.
-Colonel Euphoria, /r/pcmasterrace moderator, slayer of peasants, PETA Reddit™ representative
I'm assuming r/pcmasterrace and r/animalrapes are ghost towns these days then.
+Alter He is what you call a troll, and relishes comments like yours. They are trying to get a reaction. 
Joseph Waniewski
seriously...fuck the owner who found this amusing.
let's found him and do the same to his face.
Izabela CoolCat‏
matthew rappaport‏ +Google
Looks like you could use a HAND this #Caturday
Cat or dog ?
øddvar cynfawr CRAXI‏
quien te conoce papa
instead of the human piece of shit filming it? Man, Russians are just all around assholes, aren't they?
On youtube there is many video where Americans make also, no? USA it sucks! //Hi from Ukraine.
no, you are generalizing, assholes can be found all ower the world.
I once pulled over and saved a cat that was sitting in the middle of the road with a small chip bag stuck over its head.
Bill Hicks
Wow, tears are flowing now. Thanks for sharing...
Taped over it? You still using vcr or something you poor sadistic cunt?. =]
Victoria Flamel‏
Clearly looks like a case of diffusion of responsibility or the bystander effect.
Travis Peregrine‏
I would gladly give up mountain dew for 24 hours to show my love for thee
Sayan Bandyopadhyay
i see you read the first chapter of your psych 101 textbook...
Jessica whittingham‏
I can't believe a 20 second clip has people screaming animal abuse. Whose to say that the owner did it?! The cat could have got like this on it's own, and the owner thought it was amusing for a moment. I'm sure if it was my cat (and I'm a massive animal lover btw) I would find it funny, even if I might rush to its rescue.
Just calm the fuck down.
Exactly! Finally someone who isn't a retarded clone.
Radical Lad‏
they're not idiots
they're trolls
they came from 4chan
You just know the dog was like, "Ohhhh red thing mine"
Yes but that would have ruined my joke.
+satireknight Yes they can just not the same way we do.
Patricia De Biase‏
Um vídeo se tornou viral ao mostrar um gatinho com a cabeça presa em um copo descartável. O animal acabou sendo salvo por um cachorro
A gravação mostra o felino tentando se libertar do copo onde havia ficado com a cabeça entalada. Ele anda para trás sem saber muito como escapar da situação.
Uma pessoa aproveita a situação inusitada e registra o momento pelo celular.
Um cão, percebendo o apuros do outro animal, resolve ajudar. Ele se aproxima e “abocanha” o copo de modo que não machucasse o gatinho. O bichinho logo é libertado.
Fonte: ANDA
WhiteKnight M'tipper
Called the RSPCA and various other orgs. Your ass is going downtown to the poundtown in chinatown. (jail).
Fahad Nasir‏
very creative way to put it :) +WhiteKnight M'tipper
gr8 job, m'faggot
N. Decorsys‏
Am I the only one who think that 90% of commenters here are idiots? Other 10%, thank you, we are the last people in the world. I love cats very much, but THIS IS NOT A FUCKING CRUELTY!
Bill Hicks‏
What's sadder is the fact your filming horizontally, who the heck does that m8. It's the 21st century, film vertically please.
Michael Moen‏
Wow much lawl, top kek.
Petimat Temicheva‏
This is animal abuse, can he be charged for this?
Clearly if this alcoholic cat would have just drank responsibly this comedy gold would have never happened. "Omg poor cat!" #icantbreath.... they lick their own buttholes all day, and they're jerks. Hooray for dogs
Muataz Mustafa
What about the donkey who's filming, what did he do other than filming 
Point of the video was, dogs are better than cats. End of discussion. 
joedon dale‏
Hey, geniuses. Putting a cap on a Cats head for 10 secs isn't saying "Humans r bad an worse than the dogce beecuz the dogce hellp echother an humans fillm it"
How do you can just stay there recording a video while the cat is suffering? JERK!
