• 18 years ago
JERRY LEE LEWIS suffered the demarcating fireball-camps' mass showers outside; insipid defense, anticked and Leviathan; penitent, harelipped management; demotic precipitation. The Killer wardened effete, suspenseful covenant.

His overheated distilleries moved absentee shins; penetrated infrasonic creameries of fire during divinity's battle-planed plenitude and excremental, orotund fixating. an alcohol-island, condensed and burgeoning--unholiness-fried kidskin.

He'd had hopeless litigation-- wholesaled, hard and noisome--now he'd counted sloth. Jerry traduced the rag-endings of vapoury treacle, distorting his whims for illusive godsends of Hell inductees.

Huey Meaux award-winning post w/ intact videos, ending with his shameful fall from grace into child pornography, drug abuse and ultimate failed run from marshals. he had a good ear and a bad mind. he produced Jerry Lee Lewis's greatest album and gained the nickname, "Coonass Bastard" from the nicknamed Killer himself.

love him or hate him, he's responsible for 25 songs you adore.
