The Strange World of Nanoscience

  • 10 jaar geleden
The Strange World of Nanoscience;

Where and what is nano? How will it shape our future? Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, where properties differ significantly from those at a larger scale. The strange world of Nanoscience - it can take you into atoms and beyond the stars.

The nanoscale ranges from 100 nanometres down to the atomic level, where a nanometre is a millionth part of a millimetre.

Manipulating shape and size at nanometre scale, nanotechnologists are producing a wide variety of applications that take profit of the properties that this scale offers. Nowadays, thousands of researchers around the world are investigating the new contributions that NT can bring us by designing, characterizing and producing new structures, devices and systems.

This film was produced and directed by Tom Mustill for the NANOYOU Project ( as a resource for young people, teachers and anyone interested to get a quick introduction to Nanoscience.

It is mainly shot at and with the assistance of the Nanoscience Centre at the University of Cambridge and features researchers involved in exploring the world of Nano.