我们约会吧 Take Me Out: 女嘉宾无节操要吃猛男肌肉-女嘉宾无节操要吃猛男肌肉- Muscular Male Guest Attraction【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20140923

  • 9年前
【我们约会吧 – 本期看点】 新一拨软妹女神来袭!型男秀胸肌女嘉宾无节操要吃肉!“小鲜肉”盼姐弟恋却被丈母娘收了?!
Take Me Out Highlight: New female guests appear on the show along with muscular male guest attracting their eyeballs.

Take Me Out produced by Hunan TV is an interaction dating reality show since 2010. The show creates a platform based on the social demand on reliable relationship between male and female. The show model leverages interviews and interaction, and invite guestss who are single and are craving dating opportunities. New season of Take Me out starts on 9/2/2014, and the new show will feature younger generation of female guests, as well as their mothers to support and give opinion.

Take Me Out Full EP Playlist: http://goo.gl/DGI6tS

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