Arrested Man Poses For Epic Mugshot With Eyes Crossed And Tongue Out

  • 9 years ago
Tears, sad faces and looks of utter shock are pretty typical sights when it comes to viewing mugshots however, there are some that are of epic proportions.

Tears, sad faces and looks of utter shock are pretty typical sights when it comes to viewing mugshots however, there are some that are of epic proportions.

One man who was busted by police in Madera, California landed into that latter category. 31-year-old Nathaniel Follette was reportedly riding his bicycle inside a supermarket.

A security employee and a manger confronted him and asked him to leave the store. In response, Follette allegedly pulled out a pocket knife.

Police were dispatched to the scene and upon arrival, officers saw Follette who was still brandishing the knife. Officers took him into custody and posted his comical mugshot for all to see.

In it, Follette is crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. The unflattering pose was not unintentional by any means. According to police, Follette made the silly lo
