《奇妙的朋友》看点 Wonderful Friends Highlight: 李宇春喊你来看《奇妙的朋友》说好的不见不散-See Chris In Wonderful Friends【湖南卫视官方版】

  • 9年前
《奇妙的朋友》看点- 《奇妙的朋友》发布会结束,5位明星约各位观众朋友们关注精彩节目。
Wonderful Friends Highlight: Chris Lee see you in the show "Wonderful Friends"

《奇妙的朋友》是湖南卫视于2015年1月24日起打造的国内首档人与动物亲密接触的真人秀节目,这是一档讲述明星与动物怎样相处的原创节目。该节目为了与野生动物进行前所未有的亲密接触,在节目制作上启用了最先进的拍摄技术 。而且据节目组透露,《奇妙的朋友》也将沿用《一年级》的后期剪辑团队,务必为观众奉上一场人与自然的视觉盛宴。
Started from January 24 2015, Wonderful Friends is the first reality show in China that records the close interaction between people and animals. This is the very first self-produced show that tells how celebrities get along with animals. In order to have the best result on production, the most advance shooting technique will be used on this how. Moreover, Wonderful Friends will continue to use the same post editing team as Grade One.

湖南卫视《奇妙的朋友》官方版1080p 超清全集:
Wonderful Friends Playlist: http://goo.gl/8bNWsD

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