Beltronics STI Magnum Radar Detector Review

  • 9 years ago
Beltronics STi Magnum Radar Detector Review by Radar Roy If you’re considering purchasing a radar detector and live or frequently drive in the Virginia and Washington DC area, or if you’re a commercial truck driver, you will want to make sure that the detector you select is stealth to the Spectre radar detector detector. The Spectre is a device used by police that can detect the radio frequency leakage from most radar detectors, with the exception of four, the Escort REDLiNE, the Beltronics STi Magnum, the Bel STiR Plus and the Passport 9500ci. And a bonus is that Max2 also includes an internal Bluetooth chip set enabling it to share real time threats and police spotted alerts with other Escort Live users.
For more information about the Bel STi Magnum click here:
