Charlie Hebdo: the future for the press in France

  • 9 years ago
How will the attack on Charlie Hebdo impact on the French press? That’s a question which euronews Sophie Desjardin put to Dominique Wolton who is a director of research at CNRS – the National Centre for Scientific Research.

Dominique Wolton: “ I think it requires us to take seriously anything that was considered on the fringe of free speech that is to say what was the most radical press, most humourous, and that which was regarded as marginal.

‘And as often in democracy you only have to look and see how many times Charlie Hebdo was lampooned in the past for the stance it took, for its cartoons etc. What we see is a press which is considered almost excessive but it’s ultimately at the heart of democracy. This is very important because I believe there is no freedom of speech, no freedom of information, no freedom of the press if the press is regarded as too bold, of poor taste. When all is said and done it carries the most extreme values of the the ability to criticize.”



