World leaders condemn Paris killings

World leaders have condemned the killings in Paris and the attack on free speech.

President Barack Obama was unequivocal. America will stand behind the people of France.

“Those who carry out senseless attacks against innocent civilians, ultimately, they’ll be forgotten. And we will stand with the people of France through this very, very difficult time,” he said. Solidarity with the French was also what Jean-Claude Juncker the President of the European Commission talked about.

“I want to say this evening we Europeans are dismayed, moved and saddened and I would like the French people to know that this evening all Europeans are Parisians and French,” he said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in London for a meeting with David Cameron joined with the British Prime Minster in condemning the attack.

“This is an attack against the values that we all hold dear, values by which we stand, values of freedom of the press, freedom in general and the dignity of man,” she told reporters w