
  • il y a 10 ans
Catherine Willis
Yazd, November 2014
an Olfactive Installation-Celebration in 18th cent. Dolat Abad, Yazd, Iran.Nov.2014. Dedicated to the memory of Philippe Saalburg. A R.M.Rilke poem, 100 kgs of Pomegranates, 21 green floating ceramic bowls, with, burning on charcoals, leaves, seeds and gum-resins , 100 candles in origami paper.

A celebration of pomegranates and the water that brings fertilty to an 18th century Persian garden: Dolat Abad, via the qanats.
ingredients: 100 kgs of pomegranates, 21 green ceramic bowls to float perfumes ( leaves, seeds, gum-resins, galbanum being one of them )
Earth , Water, Fire , Air.
the translation of a Rainer Maria Rilke letter in French and its calligraphy in Persian cursive Nastaliq.
